Product Certification Services

Product Certification: Ensuring Quality and Compliance

At CSDI, we understand the importance of delivering high-quality products that meet industry standards and regulations. That’s why we offer comprehensive product certification services to ensure that your products not only meet but exceed the expectations of consumers and regulatory bodies.


Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was developed by leading standard setters to define world-wide recognised requirements for organic textile. From the harvesting of the raw materials, environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing to labelling. textiles certified to GOTS provide a credible assurance to the consumer.

Organic Content Standard (OCS)

The Organic Content Standard (OCS) aims to increase organic agriculture production. OCS is a voluntary global standard that sets the criteria for third-party certification of organic materials and chain of custody.


Global Recycle Standard (GRS)

Global Recycle Standard (GRS) set he criteria for third-party certification fo recycled materials and chain of custody. The GRS included a higher (50%) minimum recycled content percentage and additional social and environmental requirements related to processing and chemical use.

The Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)

The Recycled Claimed Standard (RCS) are designed to boost the us of recycled materials. RCS set the criteria for third-party certification of recycled materials and chain of custody.

Animal Walfare

Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)

The Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) aims to improve the welfare of sheep and the land they graze on. RWS requires all sites, from wool farmers to the seller in the final business-to-business transaction, to be certified.

The Responsible Down Standard (RDS)

The Responsible Down Standard
(RDS) aims to protect ducks and
geese used for down. RDS
incentivizes the down and feather
industry to treat ducks and geese
humanly and rewards organizations leading the way.

Responsible Alpaca Standard (RAS)

The Responsible Alpaca Standard
(RAS) Safeguards the welfare of alpacas
and the ecosystems 
around them. RAS is
voluntary standard that requries all sites,
from alpaca farms through to the seller in the
final business-to-business transaction, to be certified.

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